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8 miles

If you think you're beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don't, If you like to win but think you can't, you won't. Success begins with a fellow will, it's all in the state of mind. The person who wins is the one who thinks he can.

"He who kills time buries opportunities." - How to better manage yourself. (1/8/2006)

You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Learn to accept total responsibility for yourself. If you do not manage yourself, then you are letting others have control of your Iife. These tips will help "you" manage "you."
. Look at every new opportunity as an exciting and new-life experience.
. If you catch yourself worrying about an upcoming task, go ahead and do it now so it no longer is a distraction.
. Get into the habit of finishing what you start.
. Give up "waiting time" forever. Have something with you at all times to work on. For example: plan your day, work on a report, or read a page from your book.
. Avoid worry. The majority of the things you worry about never occur.
. Agree with yourself in advance that you will have a good attitude toward the upcoming task.
. Frequently ask, "Is what I am doing right now moving me toward my goals?"
. Make a list of your accomplishments as you go through the day- they are greater than you think.
. Do it right the first time and you will not have to take time later to fix it.
. Practice concentrating on your work, doing only one thing at a time.
. Accept responsibility for your job successes and failures. Do not look for a scapegoat.
. Do not view things you do as a "job." View all activities as a challenge.
. Take time to be quiet and reflective for a few minutes each day.
. Live effectiveness in everything you do rather then just sporadically applying time management techniques.
. Live in the Now. The current instant is the only time in which you have control-not the past, not the future, just now, in this instant.
. Recognize you control only 50% of a relationship and that is your half. If you are dissatisfied with what is going on, change what you are doing and saying.
. Operate knowing that there is good in everything. Every cloud has a silver lining-look for it.
. Operate on the philosophy that what we give out is what comes back to us
. Get into the habit of writing down a person's name- it will help you to remember it.
. Check to be sure you do not fall into the activity trap of simply doing tasks without knowing to what greater good the task is designed to contribute
. To get ahead in anything, operate in the "and then some" manner. Always do what is expected "and then some," so what you give is always more than is expected by the other person.
. Look at what you do as an adventure. You can discover new things from this new perspective.
. Challenge yourself to do things differently than you have in the past. It provides new ideas and keeps you interested.
. Doing gives you the power to do.
. Compete with yourself to become a little better each time you do something. Achieve your potential.
. Time your routine activities such as telephone calls. Determine how you can "capture" some of the time and use it on other top priority activities.
. Stay interested in what you are doing. Keep looking for what is interesting in your work. Change your perspective and look at it as someone outside your job would.
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